What is Feldenkrais? Hard to Say, Hard to Spell and Harder to Explain.
What IS the Feldenkrais Method? Every time I try to answer the question in a simple concise way, I come up short! The answer is, it is neither simple or concise to explain “neuroplasticity”, the principle idea of the Feldenkrais Method, in few words. I have probably lost most of you by now...
See what I mean!?!
Psychiatrist, Norman Doidge, describes it well in the title of his latest book, The Brain’s Way of Healing. Nueroplasticity is a very new term describing the phenomena “that the brain can change it’s own structure and function in response to mental experience.” In his book, he devotes two chapters (5 and 6) to our work.
Still with me?
This is how “mental experience“ occurs.
• Students (that's you!) are led through movements that help improve the capacity to sense themselves
• By finding an easier more comfortable, efficient way to move, you can create new options for your brain.
• Improving the capacity to sense yourself, ultimately allows your brain to “ reboot” itself.
Too Much?
Experiential learning MUST be experienced! Click the button below to find out how you can experience it for yourself.