Can You “Imagine “Yourself to Better Health?
We live in one of the most divisive times in history. What the H-E-double hockey sticks!!! (probably guessed my generation!)
I am not interested in voicing my opinion. Nor trying to influence you in any way. My only hope is to open a door to possibilitly. A world without potential, a world without hope, is not about life. Human potential is infinite... we only need to discover the key to unlock it. I truly believe this body of work is a step in that direction.
Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world.”
We acquire knowledge through experience. The Feldenkrais Method is based in sensorial experiences that stimulate neural connections. By increasing nueroplasticity, your nervous system has the capacity to “reboot” itself creating unlimited potential. How cool is that?
By enhancing our awareness, our capacity to experience ourselves in action, we can refine the quality of our movement. Developing a broader "image” of ourselves allows our brain more choices/potential.
So, how does that affect me?
I have seen people with multiple replaced joints return to living the life they choose; gardening, traveling and literally rowing their own boat. I have seen people with eight spinal fusions and steel rods bend down and easily touch their toes without pain, something their physician said was impossible. Human potential is not finite. We are only limited by our inability to imagine our potential.
Albert Einstein and Dr. Feldenkrais agreed on this.