Transforming Reality
In the olden days, the days of answering machines, I used to greet callers with quirky little quips like "reality is the leading cause of stress” or, “ideas become reality at the point of action”. You get the picture. Little did I know that thirty years later, I would be “rebooting reality”!
Moshe Feldenkrais was one of the first neuroplasticians according to Dr. Norman Doidge, psychiatrist and author of The Brain’s Way of Healing. As early as 1949, in his first book The Body and Mature Behavior, Dr. Feldenkrais says that the brain can form new neural pathways. He continued to develop this idea throughout the rest of his life and created Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration Lessons as a way to “rewire” the nervous system.
He says, "My way of looking at the mind and body involves a subtle method of “rewiring” the structure of the entire human being to be functionally well integrated, which means being able to do what the individual wants”. He discovered that through experience the neuronal connections of the brain organizes itself.
I have been asked many times to explain how this method works. The sensory system is linked to the movement system. Creating variety of sensory experience gives the movement system more options (neuroplasticity). The integration happens spontaneously. IE… “reboot your reality” - reducing stress, increasing efficiency, improving functionality, and overall well-being, ALL by moving with awareness.